Partner Overview
NJCA is a statewide grassroots organization that fights for social, racial and economic justice. We combine on the ground organizing, legislative advocacy, and electoral campaigns to win progressive policy and political victories that make a difference in people’s lives. NJCA provides free direct services to low- and moderate-income individuals across New Jersey each year.
Service Overview
Our services include free tax preparation, HUD-certified first-time homebuyer and foreclosure prevention counseling, in-person health care enrollment assistance, financial coaching, fair housing testing and education, financial education and outreach, discounted oil heat to renters and homeowners who heat their homes with oil, and education and outreach on other issues and topics. All of our services are provided in English and Spanish.
-Foreclosure Prevention Counseling
-Financial Coaching
-First-time Homebuyer Counseling
-Free Tax Preparation
-Healthcare Enrollment Assistance
-Sandy Assistance
-NJCA’s Oil Group
-Education and Outreach
-Fair Housing