All Programs

Sant Resous pou Fanm Shani Baraka (Shani Baraka Women’s Resource Center)

Vil Newark: Depatman Sante ak Byennèt Kominotè (Department of Health and Community Wellness)

Mantora Lidè pou Lavi (Leaders 4 Life Mentoring)

Prezèvasyon Zòn Metwopolitèn Newark (Greater Newark Conservancy)

Konsèy Main Street (Main Street Counseling)

Otorite Espò Weequahic Park

Pasaj pou al nan Inivèsite Kolèj Konte Essex

YMCA Newark ak Anviwon li yo

Divizyon Èd ak Avantaj pou Fanmi (Division of Family Assistance and Benefits) – Depatman Sèvis Sitwayen Konte Essex Essex County Dept. Of Citizen Services)

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Newark, Inc.