All Programs

Sant Resous pou Fanm Shani Baraka (Shani Baraka Women’s Resource Center)

Enstiti Hetrick-Martin (Hetrick-Martin Institute): New Jersey

Pasaj pou al nan Inivèsite Kolèj Konte Essex

YMCA Newark ak Anviwon li yo

Divizyon Èd ak Avantaj pou Fanmi (Division of Family Assistance and Benefits) – Depatman Sèvis Sitwayen Konte Essex Essex County Dept. Of Citizen Services)

Konsèy Main Street (Main Street Counseling)

Rezo Opòtinite pou Jèn nan Newark (Newark Opportunity Youth Network) – NOYN

The North Ward Center Inc.

Òganis Byenfezans Katolik Achidyosèz Newark (Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Newark) – CCANNJ

Bank Alimantè Kominotè New Jersey (Community FoodBank of New Jersey)